Hanging out backstage with 14-year-old girls, trading make-up, watching them be silly (and being almost 30 years older than them) has given me a lot of perspective on my own girlhood, and has helped me forgive myself a little more for all the foolish things I did back then! Yes, there is quite a lot of backstage drama, but thank goodness it doesn't involve me. I am not the only person over 20 in the cast, there's at least 7 more of us "aunties and uncles."
Also, it's confirmed that I have some kind of learning disability for dance, or I'm just cursed with the "Honky-ain't-got-no-rhythm" gene. I can't believe they expect me to sing, dance and act all at the same time!
Other News
Dean was chosen to go to Japan in a few weeks to represent Hawaii Volcanoes National Park at the island visitor's bureau show in Yokohama. Unfortunately it's during the closing weekend of the play, so I'm not going. We were able to have our lot refinanced again, so we have a few more years to try to get something built on it. Every time I turn around I meet another builder, so I don't think we'll have any trouble figuring out the process.
Dash and I went to Maui to see my Mom, right after April 15. I don't remember much but sleeping and laying by the pool. He also celebrated his 11th birthday with a wild party of pudding-eating contests, silly string wars and other messy things that boys love.
I had a lot of opportunities to sing this spring. I got to pick all the songs and lead worship for a women's day at church, and our 'band' got to perform in downtown Hilo at an island-wide church concert. We didn't do Hawaiian songs, mostly bluesy, reggae, rock-n-roll style.

Can you believe Dash is entering middle school this fall? He will be going to the same school, so I don't think it will be that traumatic for him, even with puberty looming on the horizon.