Wednesday, May 23, 2007

LA-Land of the Angry Cab Driver

We're here, we're alive, physically uninjured. I have temporarily lost my sense of humor. I hope to get it back in about a week. I think the cab driver who took us from LAX to Delta Air Cargo took it. He was a mean, nasty man. Yelled at me the whole time because I didn't have the exact address. Threw our bags onto the ground when he finally found it.

We had almost 4 hours to wait until Chuck arrived so I decided to check-in early at our hotel, and get rid of the bags (six of them) which are very hard to manoeuvre with a dog and a child. We took another cab back to Air Cargo and waited for Chuck. I was so emotional by then, I was crying when her crate came in on the forklift. The guy asks me if I've been separated from my dog for long, "Yes, about 11 hours." He just looked at me funny.

She immediately drank a pint of water. We found some grass underneath the highway for her to get some relief. Then we waited about an hour for a taxi/van to get us. The Delta Air Cargo building is about 1/2 mile long, so even though I now had the address, the cab driver was waiting down at the other end.

Long story short (too late) we got back to the hotel, the dog is sleeping (still), ordered pizza from room service, and slept. I finally figured out how to get the WiFi working.

Please--keep praying, thinking positive thoughts, we'll need alot to get through Thursday's trip from the hotel to Air Cargo, and then to the terminal.

1 comment:

Lynda said...

Erin, I am so sorry that you are having such trouble. Don't let them get to you. Just remember you have the upper hand and make sure that they know Chuck had better be taken care of. The people with some of the airlines don't have a heart towards animals like you and I. We are keeping you and your family in our prayers and hope the last of the ride gets bettr. Can you tell me why they were lifting Chuck like that? Take care, Told them at the office that I had heard from you. Love to all, Lynda