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We went to the Kapoho Hot Ponds and Tide Pools today. Rainwater from higher up percolates down the mountain over hot volcanic rocks and emerges into pools along the ocean. It's about 90 degrees I'd guess, maybe more. Feels like a nice warm bath. One of the pictures above shows Dash playing at the ocean entrance to the hot pond. A man-made channel allows ocean water to flow in and out, making a fun ride for the kids hanging onto the guard rope.
After that we headed back up the road to the tide pools. You walk along natural lava bridges, find a spot and snorkel. Because the water has a chance to warm up in the shallow water, it's very comfortable. The closer to the breakwater, the colder it gets.
When lava flowed down in the area, a wide shallow shelf formed. Parts of it sunk, forming the tide pools. We saw many kinds of colorful tropical fish, bright blue coral, and huge coral fans.
Unblogworthy events of the past week included stripping and re-waxing floors, grocery shopping, picking up my car at the port, washing it, mowing the yard (I haven't done that since 1992!), and working.
Man, those pictures are cool!
Kevin is taking the Gross family to the airport tomorrow. Soon we will be othe only ones left in the continental US!
But of course I thought "WE" were the only ones left in the continental US. Lori, we'll have to commiserate. Did I just see Deano "near" a lawn mower? Isn't that illegal in most states? Good to hear that you're eating good food Erin. Everyday I see or use my spices I think of you. Miss you guys.
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