We just survived a nasty storm, non-stop rain for 4 days, over 20 inches, accompanied by high winds and blasting thunderstorms. But when it all cleared up, we were surprised with snow on both our mountains. This pic is Mauna Loa, I just drove around the corner to get a good shot of it this morning. Now it's pouring rain again, with thunder.
Dash has been home with a sore throat the last 2 days. A friend gave us a bag of about 14 DVD's of family movies so he is okay. I just finished a community Christmas party, the "Kilauea Kalikimaka." Complete with the hula team from our church, and a Hawaiian Santa.

We enjoyed a festive Thanksgiving at our next door neighbors. It was a traditional turkey dinner, but we did get to play ukulele and sing afterwards. I sang all 2 of the Hawaiian songs I know. Dean strummed along on his new ukulele that I got him for his birthday.

School gets out this week for the holidays and doesn't start again for 3 weeks. Dash just finishd his first big project on the Hopi Indians, including a 3-page report, a poster, and a papier-mache model of a pueblo (with the help of Dean).
I think we're officially in the rainy season now. And it's getting colder, it was in the 40s yesterday morning. But it does warm up to the 60s during the day. My Mom's coming over for Christmas--so I have to run out and buy a new couch!
1 comment:
Merry Christmas Gallaghers! From your Pacific neighbors, the Gross family of New Zealand! I hope your holiday was as pleasant as ours has been. Despite it being the middle of summer here, we actually had a cool, foggy and rainy day for Christmas. The first one in a long time, so it kinda felt like Christmas in the Northern Hemisphere after all! Connor had a predominantly "Bob the Builder" Christmas, and Eric and I managed to get a few of the books and dvds we wanted. Yesterday we were walking along our neigborhood shops and passed "Jack the Greyhound" who lives at a vanity press/bookshop here. They actually made a children's book about Jack, and everytime we pass the shop we think of you guys. Give our love to one another and hug the pups for us. Love, Eric, Linda & Connor
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