I think winter (such as it is in Hawaii) is almost over. We haven't had to turn on the gas heater for over a week. I feel the need to constantly defend the fact that it is actually quite cold where we live. It gets into the high 30s at the height of the season. And with houses not built to retain heat, no central heating, and windows that appear to be made out of a glass substitute--it takes lots of layers of clothing to stay warm. We tacked thick towels over our bedroom windows for a couple of months, did the dishes alot just to warm our hands, and took long, hot showers.
True, I could drive 25 minutes downhill and sit on a warm, sunny blacksand beach, but that's not very practical when you have to sit in front of your computer all day to make a living.

I am slowly getting more local clients, and being asked to do more and more volunteer stuff. I have officially drawn the line, NO MORE VOLUNTEERING! I got voted in as the Secretary for the Volcano Community Association, and just before that ocurred, I had agreed to be the Secretary for the incoming board for my Rotary club. I am getting good at taking minutes (which is probably why I'm not posting on this site very frequently). We changed from emailing our weekly update to posting on a blogspot--if you are curious click here:
http://www.rotaryclubofvolcano.blogspot.com/Most of the posts on that site are not mine, but some are (I sub when the official note-taker is absent).
I start teaching a new Sunday night women's Bible study in a couple of weeks. We're doing Beth Moore's "Breaking Free." But I wanted to do this, and it will not be a burden at all. We only have a daytime women's Bible study and none of the working women were able to attend.

Yikes. I just looked at all the pictures on my camera to jog my memory of the past weeks events and I'm sorry to say the overwhelming majority of them are Rotary Club events and VCA meetings. Except for some nice sunsets, snowy views of Mauna Loa, and some show-offy turkeys on our street. I did not take a picture at the funeral we went to.

Here's Dean helping out painting the used book store at the community center. And there's Chuck running at the park with a friend. You're probably sick of my turkey pictures.
We just survived a surprise visit by our landlord from San Francisco (we did have a few days notice). He was actually very nice, took us to dinner too. He's getting bids to do some additions to the house.
My swim partner is going to Japan next week and entered herself in a competition swimming the 100 meter butterly. I have been trying to train with her, but the best I can do is 25 meters at time with 10 seconds rest in between. The butterfly is the most energy expending stroke, I don't know what sadist came up with it. There's no "slow and easy" butterfly. If you try to slow down you just stop.
Nice to see Deano continuing to use his painting skills.. too bad it was not a paying gig!! Is it me or does it seem that Hawaii is full of oxymorons? Houses built on the side of a volcano that are not able to keep heat during the winter?? Maybe Dean needs to propose using the Icelandic model where they tap into the hot waters heated by volcanic activity.. makes for cheap and very good heat in the winter, and can drive electric generation in summer.
The pics are great. I must have missed the turkey segment?
I thought of the famous painters a lot lately when I decided to take on Natalie's room. What a chore!
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